how to clean suede shoes

How To Clean Suede Shoes: Complete Guide

To Clean suede shoes requires a delicate touch to avoid damaging the material. Here’s a step-by-step guide to effectively clean suede shoes:

how to clean suede shoes

Things You’ll Need to Clean suede Shoes:

– A suede brush or a clean, dry toothbrush
– White vinegar or rubbing alcohol
– A soft cloth or sponge
– A suede eraser (optional)
– Cornstarch or talcum powder (for oil or grease stains)

Step-by-Step Cleaning Process:

1. Preparation:

– Start by removing any loose dirt or debris from the shoes using a suede brush or a dry toothbrush. Gently brush in one direction to lift off surface dirt without damaging the suede.

2. Addressing Stains:

– For dry stains or scuff marks, use a suede eraser by rubbing it lightly over the affected area. This can help lift the stain without damaging the suede. If you don’t have a suede eraser, a pencil eraser can sometimes work, but be gentle to avoid rubbing too hard.
– For oil or grease stains, sprinkle cornstarch or talcum powder on the affected area and let it sit for a few hours or overnight. The powder will absorb the oils. Then, gently brush off the powder with a suede brush or dry cloth.

3. Cleaning with Vinegar or Rubbing Alcohol:

– For tougher stains or overall cleaning, lightly dampen a soft cloth or sponge with white vinegar or rubbing alcohol. Be sure not to saturate the suede; it should only be slightly damp.
– Gently blot the stained areas or use a light dabbing motion to clean the entire shoe’s surface. Avoid rubbing vigorously, as this can cause damage to the suede.

4. Drying and Restoring:

– Allow the shoes to air dry naturally at room temperature. Avoid using direct heat sources like hairdryers, as they can damage the suede.
– After the shoes have dried, use a suede brush to restore the nap (the fuzzy texture). Brush the shoes gently in one direction to fluff up the suede fibers.

Tips for Maintaining Suede Shoes:

– Use a protective spray specifically designed for suede shoes to repel water and stains. Apply it regularly to maintain protection.
– Store suede shoes in a cool, dry place to prevent moisture buildup and potential damage.
– Use a suede brush regularly to prevent dirt buildup and maintain the texture of the suede.


– Avoid using water directly on suede, as it can leave water stains. Always use a minimal amount and try to blot or dab rather than rub.
– Test any cleaning method on a small, inconspicuous area of the shoe first to ensure it doesn’t cause discoloration or damage.

Regularly cleaning and maintaining suede shoes can help extend their lifespan and keep them looking sharp. If the stains persist or if you’re unsure about cleaning your suede shoes, seeking professional help from a cobbler or shoe expert is a good option.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

The following are some common inquiries concerning suede shoe cleaning:

1. Can water be used to clean suede shoes?
Water directly on suede shoes can stain the material or cause other harm, thus it’s usually not advised. Use dry cleaning techniques instead, such as a suede brush or a slightly moist cloth with rubbing alcohol or vinegar.

2. How may water stains be eliminated from suede footwear?
If your shoes get wet, place paper towels inside of them and allow them to naturally dry away from heat sources. When the suede is dry, carefully polish it and restore the nap with a suede brush.

3. How do I take care of oily or greasy stains on my suede shoes?
After applying talc or cornstarch to the problematic region, allow it to sit for a few hours or overnight. Oils will be absorbed by the powder. Then, use a suede brush or dry cloth to carefully remove the powder.

4. Should I use a particular cleaning for suede shoes?
There are cleaners on the market designed specifically for suede. But for spot cleaning, you can also use rubbing alcohol or white vinegar. To make sure they don’t harm or discolor anything, it’s imperative to use them sparingly and test them first on a tiny, discrete area.

5. Can I clean suede shoes with a standard brush or eraser?
It is advised to use a suede brush, which is made especially to clean and repair suede’s nap without causing any harm to it. However, light dirt or scuff marks can be gently removed using a suede eraser or a soft-bristled brush.

6. How frequently should my suede shoes be cleaned?
Regular upkeep is essential. After each wear, give your clothes a quick brush to help avoid dirt buildup. Consider cleaning your suede shoes every few weeks or whenever you see stains or dirt buildup for a deeper clean.

7.Is it okay for me to wear suede shoes in the rain?

Wet situations are not the best place for suede shoes since moisture can ruin the material. If you think it could rain, think about applying a suede shoe waterproofing spray to provide your shoes some defense against moisture damage.

8. How should suede shoes be stored?
Suede shoes should be kept out of direct sunlight in a cool, dry environment. To help them retain their shape and absorb moisture, stuff them with tissue paper or a shoe tree.

9. Can suede shoes be dried using a hairdryer?

Suede shoes should not be dried with direct heat sources, such as hair dryers or heaters, as this might harm the material. Rather, allow them to naturally dry out at ambient temperature.

10. Are there any ways to keep suede shoes in good condition?
Spills may be cleaned up more easily and damage can be avoided by using a suede protector spray, which helps repel water and stains. Using a suede brush on a regular basis will assist keep the suede’s texture and avoid dirt accumulation.

To preserve the endurance and aesthetic appeal of suede shoes, special cleaning techniques and a delicate touch are needed. Consulting a qualified cobbler or shoe specialist is advised if you’re unclear how to clean suede shoes or handle stubborn stains.

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