how to clean windows with newspaper

How to clean windows with newspaper | Comprehensive Guide

how to clean windows with newspaper


Have you ever thought about cleaning windows with newspaper? Cleaning windows is usually a duty that makes people tremble, how to clean windows with newspaper what if we told you that you can actually achieve streak-free, glowing windows with products you already have at home? Introducing the art of window cleaning with newspaper: a quick and easy way to assure a flawless finish while also helping the environment. We’ll explore the why and how in this extensive guide, analyzing every step to help you become an expert in this tried-and-true method.

Just Why Pick a Newspaper?

Let’s examine some of the reasons why newspaper is a fantastic window cleaning material before getting into the detailed instructions:

  1. Minimum Lint Level:
    Newspapers have a lower lint content than paper towels or microfiber cloths, which guarantees a cleaner finish.
  2. Absorbency: Newspapers have a high absorption capacity, which enables them to effectively absorb dirt and cleaning agents.
  3. Mild Abrasive Properties: Newspaper ink has a mild abrasive quality that helps it remove and break down dirt and grime without harming glass.
  4. Nature-Friendly:
    Newspapers are a sustainable cleaning material since they repurpose materials that you may otherwise throw.

Items Required:

  1. Newspapers: Make sure the pages are dry and free of excess ink (ideally black and white).
  2. Distilled White Vinegar: An all-natural cleaner that effectively removes oil and filth.
  3. Water: to make a cleaning solution by diluting the vinegar.
  4. The Spray Bottle: facilitates the effortless application of the cleaning agent.
  5. Squeegee: An indispensable instrument for eliminating the cleaning agent and guaranteeing a flawless surface.
  6. Final Polishing: Using a lint-free cloth is optional.
how to clean windows with newspaper

Comprehensive Guide:

1. Gather Your Supplies:

Gather all of the supplies listed above before you begin cleaning. Everything being prepared guarantees a quick and easy cleaning procedure.

2. Mix Up Your Solution:

Equal amounts distilled white vinegar and water should be combined in a spray container. This produces a strong, environmentally friendly cleaning solution that is also natural.

3. Set Up the Glass:

Make sure the window surface is free of any loose dust or dirt before applying the solution. For this first stage, you can use a soft brush or a dry newspaper sheet.

4. Apply a Mist and Soak:

Squirt the vinegar and water mixture liberally across the window. Give it a few minutes to soak. During this period of time, the vinegar breaks down the dirt and grime, making it simpler to remove with a cloth.

5. Start Cleaning:

Gather a sheet of newspaper and ball it up. This is what you’ll use to scrub. To remove tough stains and blemishes, begin at the top of the glass and work your way down, using moderate pressure.

6:Squeegee Away Streaks:

Use the squeegee once you’ve finished cleaning the entire window. Once more, begin at the top and move the squeegee downward in a straight, deliberate stroke. To avoid stains, clean and dry newspaper should be used to wipe the blade after each pass.

7. Use a dry newspaper to polish:

Use a dry newspaper to give the window surface a little more shine. This stage guarantees a flawless finish by assisting in the removal of any last traces of streaks.

  1. Look for Patterns:

Take a step back and review your work. Repeat the procedure, paying close attention to any streaks you find.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):How to clean windows with newspaper

Q1: Why should I clean my windows with newspaper?
A1: Newspapers are a great option for cleaning windows because of the ink’s mild abrasive qualities, high absorbency, and minimal lint concentration. They help to clean windows in an environmentally responsible manner and leaving them streak-free.

Q2: What kind of newspaper may I use?
A2: Using black and white pages instead of colored ones is recommended. Additives used in colored inks have the ability to smear windows.

Q3: Which cleaning agent is best to use when using newspaper?
A3: Fill a spray container with equal parts water and distilled white vinegar. With this all-natural treatment, oil and filth are easily removed from windows, leaving them spotless.

Q4: Aside from a newspaper, are there any other instruments I need?
A4: To guarantee a streak-free finish and remove the cleaning solution, a squeegee is required. Using a lint-free cloth is an optional last polishing step.

Q5: How should my windows be ready before using newspaper to clean them?
A5: Use a soft brush or a sheet of dry newspaper to wipe away any loose dust or grime from the window surface.

Q6: Can I use newspapers on any kind of window?
A6: Yes, you may use newspapers on most kinds of windows—including glass windows. With sensitive surfaces, however, proceed with caution and start with a tiny, discrete area to test.

Q7: Will my hands or windows become stained by the newspaper’s ink?
A7: The ink shouldn’t leave stains on your hands if used correctly. The ink is often resistant to smearing and functions as a light abrasive on the window surface.

Q8: How often should I use newspaper to wipe my windows?
A8: A number of variables affect the frequency, such as the local pollution level and climate. Generally speaking, try to get at least two good cleanings a year, ideally in the spring and fall.

Q9: What happens if I apply the newspaper method and then notice streaks?
A9: If streaks continue, there can be cleaning solution residue present. Repeat the procedure, being especially careful to polish with a dry newspaper and dry with the squeegee.

Q10: Can I apply this technique to windows outside?
A10 Yes, both indoor and outdoor windows can benefit from this technique. But take into account the weather when cleaning windows; stay out of intense sunlight and excessive heat as this could reduce the cleaning solution’s effectiveness.

Q11: Is it economical to use newspapers to clean windows?
A11: Definitely! Newspapers are widely accessible, and using a vinegar-water solution to clean is a less expensive option than using industrial cleaners. This approach is economical in addition to being successful.

Q12: Can I clean glass surfaces like mirrors and tables with newspaper?
A12: Certainly, for a streak-free shine, you can use the newspaper cleaning approach on mirrors, glass tables, and other glass surfaces.

Recall that getting the greatest outcomes requires both consistency and using the right method. Cheers to washing windows!


Newspaper isn’t simply a trick; it’s a tried-and-true technique that blends efficiency and simplicity for cleaning windows. By using this economical and environmentally beneficial method, you not only get amazing results but also help create a cleaner, greener world. Prepared with newspapers and a few everyday necessities, set out to achieve immaculate, shining windows while reducing your environmental impact. Put on your sleeves and start shining!

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