How To Wash Shoes In Washing Machine

How To Wash Shoes In Washing Machine : 6 Simple Steps

How To Wash Shoes In Washing Machine

Introduction: How to wash shoes

How To Wash Shoes In Washing Machine? its a common question in modern world Our shoes face the brunt of grime, filth, and general wear and tear as they go through the daily grind. Even your best pair may begin to show signs of wear and tear over time. The good news is that washing your shoes in a washing machine will bring back their freshness and cleanliness. Although this technique is practical and efficient, it’s crucial to follow the instructions precisely to prevent hurting your shoes. We’ll take you through six easy steps in this guide to safely wash your shoes in a washing machine and give them a fresh start.

Please take note that not all shoes can be machine-washed safely before we get into the specifics. To find out how to clean your shoes specifically, make sure to read the care label. Don’t machine wash sensitive textiles like suede or leather. This manual is meant for machine-washable footwear, such as sneakers and canvas shoes.

Step 1: Assemble Your Materials

it’s important to gather the necessary materials before beginning the shoe-washing process. What you’ll need is as follows we will give detailed knowledge about How To Wash Shoes In Washing Machine

How To Wash Shoes In Washing Machine
wash machine with laundry service icons vector illustration design
  • soiled shoes that require cleaning
  • An old toothbrush or a brush with soft bristles
  • gentle laundry soap
  • A washing bag with mesh or a pillowcase
  • An outdated fabric or towel
  • With these simple items, you can effectively clean your shoes and keep debris and filth out of your washing machine.

Step2: Prepare for Pre-Cleaning

To start, quickly pre-clean your shoes to get rid of any loose mud, grime, or debris. Scrub the outside of your shoes with a soft-bristle brush or an old toothbrush. Observe the soles and any nooks or crannies where dirt tends to gather. This is an essential step to guarantee a more effective cleaning procedure and to keep your washing machine from becoming clogged.

Step 3: Take off your insoles and laces

Take off the insoles and laces of your shoes before throwing them in the washing machine. Insoles can be hand-washed or replaced if they are very worn, and laces can be laundered individually in a mesh laundry bag. By taking things apart, possible damage is avoided and a more thorough cleaning is made possible.

How To Wash Shoes In Washing Machine

Step 4: Prepare for Difficult Stains

  • Pre-treating your shoes before machine washing is an excellent option if they have stubborn stains or scuff marks. To make a soapy solution, combine mild laundry detergent with warm water. After applying this solution to the discolored regions, use a soft brush or toothbrush to gently scrub the area. Before continuing to the following step, let it settle for a few minutes.

Step 5: Stuff shoes into a laundry bag or pillowcase

  • how to wash shoes ?Put your shoes inside a mesh laundry bag or a pillowcase to keep them safe from the washer. By taking this precaution, you may cushion your shoes during the washing cycle and keep them from tangling with other things or other objects in the machine.

Step 6: Program and Turn on the Washing Machine

  • It’s time to set up the washing machine for the cycle that cleans shoes. Take these actions:
  • Select a mild or gentle washing cycle on your laundry machine. These cycles are perfect for washing shoes without damaging them because they utilize less agitation and lower spin rates.
  • For the wash, use cold water. Certain shoe materials may shrink or deform when exposed to hot water.
  • Fill the machine with a tiny quantity of gentle laundry detergent. Shoes made of delicate materials should not be cleaned with detergents that include bleach or other harsh chemicals.
  • If you want to add some old towels or cloths, it can assist balance the load and quiet the machine while it cycles. Your shoes can be shielded from the wash by this additional cushioning.
  • Give the washing machine a start and let it finish. To avoid spilling water throughout the cycle, do not open the door.
  • Follow-Up Care
  • When the washing cycle is over, your shoes are prepared for cleaning after washing:
  • Take off your shoes from the laundry bag or pillowcase.
  • Look for any lingering stains or patches. You can wash your shoes again and repeat the pre-treatment procedure if needed.
  • Stuff your shoes with paper towels or crumpled newspaper to help them keep their form. Additionally, this quickens the drying process
  • Let your shoes air dry in a place with good ventilation. Since too much heat can harm the materials, keep them away from direct heat sources like radiators and the sun.
  • Your shoes might not dry entirely in a few hours or a day, depending on the material and humidity. Allow them to naturally vent while you are patient.
  • Relace your shoes and put the insoles back in after they have completely dried. Your shoes now look and feel rejuvenated and are prepared for action.
How To Wash Shoes In Washing Machine


Restoring the cleanliness and lifetime of your shoes can be as easy as running them through the washing machine. You can machine wash sneakers, canvas shoes, and other machine-washable footwear safely by following these six easy procedures and using the appropriate safety precautions. You’ll have clean, fragrant shoes that are prepared for your next journey if you always remember to read the care label and take it gently. Try it out and give your beloved shoes a new lease on life! its all about on How To Wash Shoes In Washing Machine hope this article will give you enough knowledge

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